Just passing on some quotes from one of the books I've studied recently. This is not a book review nor my opinion....just direct quotes for your own interpretation, amusement and thoughts.
His major premise(s):
- Not everyone who is sick feels bad
Living shouldn't be an exercise in progressive deterioration
- You don't have to be sick
- Age is no excuse for disease or aches and pains
- How well your body functions depends on what you give it to work with
- Medicines may save your life, but they can't heal
- Only your body can heal itself
- You can evaluate your health before symptoms of disease appear
- If you have to increase the potency or dosage f your medicine to get the same effect you used to, you're treating the symptoms, not the cause
- Healing is automatic if you give your body a chance
- The food you ate in the past determines how healthy you will be in the future
- Too much protein is hazardous to your health
- You have the ability to improve your health...if you at more protein daily than the equivalent of one hamburger and two eggs, you're headed for chronic disease
- Our country's health care system is programmed to treat disease, not to promote health
- Urine with an ammonia odor is a warning sign that you are sick
"This is not a diagnostic aid to tell you what's wrong with you - that's the responsibility of your health care specialist. This book is your guide to find out how healthy you are!" - page XIX
"Most of us wait until we're sick to worry about health. That's not the time to try to get healthy; that's the time to try to survive. You get healthy one day at a time." - page XX
"Pain is a protest by your body that it is being subjected to abuse. The problem that causes the pain stems from the conditions under which you are requiring your body to function." - page 23
"When protein makes up more than about twenty-five percent of your daily fare, you're getting too much." - page 27
"The food that fuels your body this year dictates how healthy you will be in coming years." - page 33
"Illness has only three causes: Toxicity, Timing, and Thoughts." - page 33
"Symptoms are warning signs that you have pushed your body's natural healing potential too far." - page 33
"We live and die at the cellular level. You can't be healthy if your cells are living in junk." - page 35
"Lifestyle is the primary determinant of your health: what you eat, how rough you are on your body, how you rest, and what sort of attitude you have. A physiological response occurs every time any of your five senses is stimulated by food, activities, impressions, environment, attitudes, memories, arguments, anger, frustrations...And your cells are affected by every physiological response. We live or die at the cellular level." page 39
"One method of removing unwanted or toxic materials from the body is the common cold. A cold may make you feel rotten, but the cold itself serves a purpose. Your body is getting rid of toxins that can threaten your survival. As long as you can develop a good cold, your body is still able to fight. I've never known of a person in the final stages of cancer to have either a cold or a fever. Colds serve much the same purpose as fevers; they clean out unwanted toxins. Colds are survival tactics. You should be thankful that your body still has enough vitality to defend itself." pages 41-42
His major premise(s):
- Not everyone who is sick feels bad
Living shouldn't be an exercise in progressive deterioration
- You don't have to be sick
- Age is no excuse for disease or aches and pains
- How well your body functions depends on what you give it to work with
- Medicines may save your life, but they can't heal
- Only your body can heal itself
- You can evaluate your health before symptoms of disease appear
- If you have to increase the potency or dosage f your medicine to get the same effect you used to, you're treating the symptoms, not the cause
- Healing is automatic if you give your body a chance
- The food you ate in the past determines how healthy you will be in the future
- Too much protein is hazardous to your health
- You have the ability to improve your health...if you at more protein daily than the equivalent of one hamburger and two eggs, you're headed for chronic disease
- Our country's health care system is programmed to treat disease, not to promote health
- Urine with an ammonia odor is a warning sign that you are sick
"This is not a diagnostic aid to tell you what's wrong with you - that's the responsibility of your health care specialist. This book is your guide to find out how healthy you are!" - page XIX
"Most of us wait until we're sick to worry about health. That's not the time to try to get healthy; that's the time to try to survive. You get healthy one day at a time." - page XX
"Pain is a protest by your body that it is being subjected to abuse. The problem that causes the pain stems from the conditions under which you are requiring your body to function." - page 23
"When protein makes up more than about twenty-five percent of your daily fare, you're getting too much." - page 27
"The food that fuels your body this year dictates how healthy you will be in coming years." - page 33
"Illness has only three causes: Toxicity, Timing, and Thoughts." - page 33
"Symptoms are warning signs that you have pushed your body's natural healing potential too far." - page 33
"We live and die at the cellular level. You can't be healthy if your cells are living in junk." - page 35
"Lifestyle is the primary determinant of your health: what you eat, how rough you are on your body, how you rest, and what sort of attitude you have. A physiological response occurs every time any of your five senses is stimulated by food, activities, impressions, environment, attitudes, memories, arguments, anger, frustrations...And your cells are affected by every physiological response. We live or die at the cellular level." page 39
"One method of removing unwanted or toxic materials from the body is the common cold. A cold may make you feel rotten, but the cold itself serves a purpose. Your body is getting rid of toxins that can threaten your survival. As long as you can develop a good cold, your body is still able to fight. I've never known of a person in the final stages of cancer to have either a cold or a fever. Colds serve much the same purpose as fevers; they clean out unwanted toxins. Colds are survival tactics. You should be thankful that your body still has enough vitality to defend itself." pages 41-42