Day minus 2...well minus 1.5 :)

UPDATE: I don't know how I forgot to add this part!!! shame on me :) They did a chest x-ray on admission and found that the cancer spot in my lung was not only diminished further from the lasting effects of the radiation, it was "undetectable." I'm overwhelmed! No wonder I have felt so strong lately. All my tumor spots are finally gone!!! :) :) :) 1 month shy of a year and the tumors are undetectable by scan. This doesn't mean I am 100% cancer free but it does mean that I don't have cancer spots in my body. With getting Tom's bone marrow on Thursday my body will start to create new stem cells while the drugs I am on will kill the few remaining ones of my own....then I will be totally cancer free.

I don't really feel like I have anything exciting to say but I do want to give an update and thank you for your prayers and support.

I have 1 more day of chemo and I haven't had any side effects yet. The chemo side effects typically take 5-7 days to set in so I've been told I definitely will have mouth sores and hair loss at the very least by next week. The most side effects I've had so far are complete and utter boredom and tiredness. I'll take it and be thankful for it :)

I woke up yesterday with a heart overflowing with gratefulness. I made a list of everything I have to be grateful for and the list is truly overwhelming. Thank you to all of you who are supporting me emotionally, physically, and spiritually!!!

My brother has had more side effects, unfortunately, than I have. He of course has taken them like a trooper without complaining.

I'm rather pleased with my crochet project, thanks to my sister teaching me :) I started a sweater and am several rows into it. I've learned I'll never be a professional crochet-er but it passes the time nicely and I'm glad I learned :)

Tomorrow I have the same treatments as today (2 different chemo drugs, steroid, and an immune-suppressant drug) and then Thursday is the big transplant day. The doctor said today, "You look happy as a clam; a clam that is getting ready to be dropped into a pot of boiling water." Nice...I am happy though and just taking 1 day at a time with gratefulness. We'll worry about the pot of boiling water when I'm in it...maybe it won't be as bad as it looks or I'll enjoy the heat while I'm in it. They keep asking if there's anything they can do for me and I keep saying, yep, send me takers on that yet though :)

Thanks again for your support! I'll let you know how the transplant goes on Thursday!!!
