"I believe that wellness is not a destination, but a lifelong conversation. It’s a commitment, a relationship, and a communion with your body — for better or for worse, in sickness and in health. And above all, it’s a decision to treat ourselves with absolute kindness & respect. To treasure our lives. Nourish our bodies. And take nothing for granted."

I just wanted to take a minute to say kudos to all of you who are fighting for your health, especially if you're well and fighting for it. Disease has a natural way of making us focus on it in a wonderful way. It’s so hard in the busyness of our full time lives to make time to take care of ourselves. I never feel like I can quite get it all together. Do you know that feeling? If I get my movement and exercise routine down then I don’t seem to have time to eat right and if I get my eating routine down I don’t seem to have time to get everything done I need to or take time to sit and be quiet each day; to recharge. Getting it all together is a great day indeed. One thing I am grateful for at this point in my life is the opportunity to struggle through this. I’m grateful for the chance to fight, for the chance to laugh, for the chance to learn.

I am so enjoying my journey into food and nutrition this year. I’ve studied orthomolecular nutrition, how nutrition affects behavior in children, the chemical process of eating & digestion in the body, herbal therapy, and how nutrition & health are connected so far, and I’ve learned this: I know nothing.  I’ve also thoroughly enjoyed working with some local chefs and learned so much about food preparation and gained a passion for culinary skills along the way.  I am stoked for what I have to learn ahead. I am truly blessed! I have had a bit of nostalgia this year as well as I resurrect recipes and food preservation techniques taught to me by my mom and my grandma. They performed seeming miracles with few modern day conveniences in our food supply. I’ve been taking all of these gifts with a great dose of humility and laughter, realizing that I am far from where I’d like to be but grateful for how far I’ve come. Preparing unprocessed, real, whole food filled with untapped natural nutrients in addition to a full time anything (job, kids, life, etc) in addition to making time to exercise and making time to connect and nurture everything in our lives that need nurturing equals a true super hero to me. To those of you in the fight, I salute you. To those of you taking a rest, I applaud you and encourage you to jump back in when you catch your breath; the water is warm. To those of you reeling in confusion or a bit overwhelmed, I say just take the next baby step; you can do it. The battle is indeed worth it and to the victor belong the spoils.

I love people’s stories! Everyone has one. Here’s one that has inspired and encouraged me along the way. Jessica’s story has touched me in a personal way as I can connect so much with what she wrote about. I love her passion. I love her love for life. I love her journey. I love her willingness to share it. Unfortunately she did not live past the 5 year survival rate in her battle with cancer but that doesn’t diminish from her story or her life. I don’t know if I will have the privilege of living past the 5 year survival rate either but I plan to spend these years thriving as Jessica did, pointing to the One who gives me life, grace and hope for each day. Read through her blog when you have time. Here’s one of my favorite quotes of hers, although she has many great ones: "I believe that wellness is not a destination, but a lifelong conversation. It’s a commitment, a relationship, and a communion with your body — for better or for worse, in sickness and in health. And above all, it’s a decision to treat ourselves with absolute kindness & respect. To treasure our lives. Nourish our bodies. And take nothing for granted."  - written by wellness leader Jess Ainscough, who passed away earlier this year, at age 30 after thriving with cancer for 5 years; here’s her story: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-17671/wellness-leader-jess-ainscough-passes-away-at-30.html and here’s the start of her journey: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-1101/Conquering-Cancer-with-Carrot-Juice.html

Much love!
